What is the purpose of the study?

Please read our More on the Study post for more information about the purpose of the study.

What will I be asked to do?

If you agree to participate in this study, we will ask you to complete an online survey that will take about 15-30 minutes to complete. 
 You will be given the option to enter your contact information if you would like to be contacted about opportunities to become more involved in the study (e.g., for a follow-up interview about your service needs).

What type of personal information will be collected?

This survey will be anonymous and the personal identifying information that we collect is minimal. We will ask you to provide your age, gender, ethnicity, and the first three letters/numbers of your postal code.
 After you have completed the survey, you will have the option to enter your name and contact information to be contacted for follow-up and additional research opportunities. Your personal information will not be stored with your survey responses, which will remain anonymous. That means that if you enter your name and information, we will know that you completed the survey, but we will not know how you answered the questions.
 When you open the survey, the first page will display the study’s consent form, which will include information about how your data will be stored and how your privacy will be protected.

Can I complete the survey for more than one child?

You may complete the survey for up to two children. After completing the sections of the survey that ask about your family and yourself, you will be asked how many children in your household have a diagnosis of ASD/CP/FASD. If you answer that you have more than one child with this neurodevelopmental disorder, the child-related questions will automatically repeat for a second time. 
If you would like to complete the survey for more than two children, you will be able to complete the entire survey more than once. Please note that you will only be able to enter the draw for the gift card once.

Are there any benefits to participating?

You will have the chance to share your experiences with the research team. The information that you provide us may help to guide the development of strategies and services that can be delivered virtually to families in this time of social distancing. You will not be reimbursed for your participation.

Who can I contact with questions or concerns?

 If you have any further questions or want clarification regarding this research and/or your participation, please contact the Study Coordinator by email or phone: 403-441-8473 or the Principal Investigator, Dr. Carly McMorris by email or phone: 403-220-545.
If you have any concerns about the way you’ve been treated as a participant, please contact the Research Ethics Analyst, Research Services Office, University of Calgary by email or phone at: 403-220-6289 or 403-220-8640.

Coping & Caregiving


More on the Study